Doragami Games announced by Doragami Games on the 5th, Lollipop Chainsaw , the original version of Goichi Suda and James Gun are irrelevant. I revealed on Twitter.
According to the tweet, the remake version produced by Dragami Games is not involved in the development of Goichi Suda, James Gun, and Glasshopper Manifacture. In addition, Gan has expressed his affirmation or denying the remake.
Lollipop Chainsaw is a zombie action game released for PS3/Xbox 360 in 2013. Goichi Suda participated in one of the directors, and James Gun was one of the scenario writers. In addition, the total number of units sold worldwide has exceeded 1 million.
The remake version will be produced by the original staff, including the original producer, Yoshimi Yasuda, but Suda and Gun are not participating. In addition, the BGM, which is a copyright song except for some, will be replaced, and the graphics will also have a real taste.
Lollipop Chainsaw Remake (tentative name) will be released in 2023. Details such as platforms are not revealed.
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