Because of his involvement in the tragic plane crash of the Argentine football professional Emiliano Sale, a 67-year-old businessman has to go to jail for 18 months. This judgment came a court in Cardiff on Friday.
Already at the end of October, David Henderson, which had organized the flight in January 2019, was found guilty with a majority of ten to two votes.
The court saw it as proved that the businessman endangered the safety of the aircraft in which Sale had come to death in the crash. Henderson had previously been attempting to promote a passenger without valid permission or approval.
The plane should bring Sale from Nantes to Cardiff in France. The Welsh had committed the former striker in the winter transfer window, agreed a record decline for the then Premier League club of 15 million pounds (17.8 million euros).
The single-engine small plane never came on and crashed in the vicinity of the Channel Island Guernsey in the English Channel. The 28-year-old sale came as well as lives like pilot David Boston (59). A study report published in March last year came to the conclusion that Boston did not have the necessary license for the aircraft or for night flights.
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