Since Platoon 3 took the market, many of its users have not stopped playing to become the best within the competitive field, only for now the game does not have the best stability. Given this, Nintendo has taken into account the comments, as its updates take the courses to take care of the cheats. Through its website, the Japanese company mentioned that next September 29 will be coming version 1.1.2, including corrections that video game fans will love. In question, they focus on three points: the first to correct the distribution of sea snails for those who did not receive them after the Splat fest . The second is stability with the network, since users usually find many failures. Finally, we seek to eliminate players who use exploits out of nowhere to win the games. Here is your full report: Changes in communications Additional measures have been taken to address the problem of communication errors that often occur at the end of the battles or shifts of Salmon Run, accordi...